
Senate Republicans Are Pushing Another Obamacare Repeal Bill

The Cassidy-Graham measure would radically alter the health care landscape under Obamacare, ending the expansion of Medicaid and guarantees that those with pre-existing conditions could get coverage at reasonable cost.



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Spotlight On DSPs

Direct Support Professional Week begins September 10. We will highlight a few of those special, hard working people in this space to honor them all.

Read about Annmarie Clarke HERE.


People With Disabilities Sometimes Left Out Of Disaster Plannning

“We’re actually quite good at solving complex problems; however, when physical accessibility isn’t provided, and communication isn’t accessible, we have a much more difficult time accessing the same services and supports everyone else gets.” 



The articles linked to this page are provided as a public service by CP of NYS, and do not necessarily reflect the views of CP of NYS, its Board of Directors and staff, or of the CP of NYS Affiliates